教学设计:School life --Welcome to the unit

作者:徐亚辉    发布时间:2021/9/30 16:05:00    浏览:520


教材分析本单元的主题是“学校生活”,由Welcome to the unit(呈现英国学校生活的四个方面和比较中英高中生活的不同之处),一篇Reading文章具体介绍英国的高中生活,Word power是介绍学校设施和加强学生锻炼的词汇和词组;Grammar是定语从句,Task介绍学校的活动的通知和Project学生阅读两篇介绍学校俱乐部的文章并设计自己新的学校俱乐部的海报。本节课是本单元的第一节课Welcome to the unit.



The students are expected to be able to

1. meet the teacher and the classmates;

2. compare school life in the UK and China;

3. Share the dream school life .


1.  differences and similarities between school life in China and the UK;

2.  design of the dream school life.  


Step 1.  Lead-in

1. Self-introduction. Both the teacher and students introduce ourselves.



Step 2.  Objectives

1. Show the objectives of this period to the class.

2. Read the objectives together.



Step 3.  School life in the UK

Activity 1. Brainstorming about what the school life in Senior High is like.

Activity2. Collecting answers from the students and group the answers according to the following aspects:

  School facilities              School hours

  Learning task                Teachers and classmate

  After-school activities



Step 4. Learn about the school life in the UK


1.The teacher introduces some parts of high school life in the UK.

2. Students go through the four pictures. Encourage students to search online to find details of school life in the UK with the help of the cell-phones.




Step 5. Compare the school life

        Students continue to search online about the two kinds of school lives.



Step 6. Presentation

1.List a chart showing the differences and similarities between school life in China and school life in the UK.

2.Students report what they have found in the pictures and online in groups.




Step 7. Designing an ideal school

1. [Group work] Ask Ss to work in groups and design an ideal school, which should cover at least three aspects of the following:

  School facilities/School hours         Learning task

  Teachers and classmate              After-school activities

2. Ask Ss to present their ideal schools.

3. Vote for the two favorite dream schools.




Step 8. Feedback



审编 杨斯琦

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