Teaching Model of Project of Advance with English

作者:贺晓辉    发布时间:2009/9/9    浏览:954


Teaching Model of Project of Advance with English


摘要: 在这篇论文中, 我以模块二第一单元Project的第二课时为例, 介绍了《牛津高中英语》Project的教学模式。依我之见, 我们没有必要让学生做所有的Project, 其中一个重要的原因是我们教师应该学会如何合理地运用教材以及如何合理地处理教学材料。通过这节课, 我意识到是学生而非教师是课堂甚至整个活动的中心和主体。教师既是指导者, 又是组织者、参与者、推进者和评价者。

关键词:  model, project, teacher’s role


Every unit of Advance with English consists of seven parts, including Welcome to the Unit, Reading, Word Power, Grammar And Usage, Task, Project and Self-assessment. In this essay, Project is the theme.

Referring to different English dictionaries, I can find the following definitions about Project mentioned in Advance with English. It means a study of a particular subject done over a period of time, especially by students (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) or a part of a school or college course that involves careful study of a particular subject over a period of time (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English).

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