National Teacher’s Day in the U.S.A

作者:沈华    发布时间:2009/9/29    浏览:1138

National Teacher’s Day in the U.S.A?Sarah Burd

When asked about Teacher’s Day in the United States, I did not actually know very much about it. While it is certainly a holiday listed on American calendars, it is not a day that is given very much recognition by the general population. Thinking back to my school days, I do remember that on a certain day in the spring, students would bring gifts to their teachers. Further, since my mother works in a primary school, I know from experience that she will receive small gifts from students on this day. Until being a teacher, I did not really attach very much significance to this holiday; now, however, I think of it in a new light.

Teacher’s Day in America falls on May 5th, close to the end of the school year. Therefore this day is intended to show appreciation for what teachers have done all year long. In China, Teacher’s Day falls at the beginning of the school year, so its purpose seems, instead, to show appreciation for what teachers are expected to do throughout the year. I think that this is a good way for students to recognize the work that their teachers will do for them and for teachers to consider that the work they will be doing is not going to go unappreciated.


译文                                                                   美国的教师节(沈华)



Sarah Burd沙拉.波得

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