What is happiness to me?

作者:沈华    发布时间:2010/3/31    浏览:1701

What is happiness to me?



    The word “happiness” is made of 9 letters. In my opinion, every one of them has its own meanings and all these contribute to the contents of what happiness exactly stands for.


Just like Chairman Mao said,”A sound body is the capital of revolution”. Being healthy is a foundamental factor for being happy.


We human beings are all born empty-handed and gone empty-handed. However, we’ve been receiving gifta from the outside world since we were born. The warm sunshine, the fresh air, the beautiful sceneries, knowledge acquired from books and teachers, etc. What we need is a grateful heart which aims at appreciating everything around us.

Appreciation is always followed by happiness.


We may feel breakdown, we may ever feel hopeless, but as we know, everything will be alright later on, all we need is just patience. Patience calms us down, also, it’s our company when we can’t sense the existence of hapiness.


I myself is actually the one who can make me happy at any time.


Some might be afraid to experience new things . Whereas, new things don’t always mean strange and starting all over again. Experiencing something new takes courage, but it will also bring us excitement and happiness.


Happiness is a kind of inspiring emotion, to chieve a sense of happiness, we need to be emotional. Those feelings, sad ones, scary ones, unforgettable ones and encouraging ones, will all lead to the path of happiness in the end.


Treat ourselves as well as others sincerely, and we will find it much easier to get happiness.




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