
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2018/10/19 9:39:00    浏览:268


  最近,某英语交流学习论坛提出一个话题“Green travel”(绿色出行)。请你根据下例提示写一个发言稿参与讨论。内容包括:

1.       你的观点。

2.       你的理由。

3.       建议或者措施。

Ladies and gentlemen. Recently green travel has been widely debated, which has aroused public attention. _____________________________________________________________________




Ladies and gentlemen. 

Recently green travel has been widely debated, which has aroused public attention. In my opinion, this activity is quite eco-friendly and will be a practical way to involve ourselves in protecting our environment. My reasons are as follows.

People blame climate changes on gases like carbon dioxide, which, however, mainly comes from vehicles burning petrol. Therefore, the more petrol we consume, the more carbon dioxide we are letting off.

 How can we help solve the problem? One thing we can all do is walk or use a bicycle when possible. Another thing is to take public transport as much as we can. If we have to drive a car, try to find other people to travel with us. With these measures taken, I believe our planet will be better protected.

Thank you.


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