你今天me time了吗?

作者:徐亚辉    发布时间:2019/4/18 18:09:00    浏览:466

今天你Me Time了吗?

Me Time渐渐成为了热门趋势。什么是Me Time?今天看了21世纪英文报我才知道。“一人食”和“一个人旅行”等一个人的所有活动我们都可以视为Me Time. 听说就连英国王妃梅根也为这种“个人专属时间”(me time) call~

If you’ve ever traveled with other people, chances are youve had to make compromises. When you want to get up early to watch the sunrise, for example, your friends may argue that getting enough sleep is more important. And when you want to try the exotic food, your friends might say it looks weird and drag you to a Chinese restaurant instead.



This is probably why more people these days are choosing to travel alone. According to reports on holiday habits from the Association of British Travel Agents, the percentage of people in the UK who take solo trips has been increasing, from 6 percent in 2011, to 12 percent in 2017, and to 15 percent in 2018. Most of these people said they choose to travel alone because this allows them to “do what they want.



In fact, traveling alone is only a part of a recent trend of people wanting to take more time alone – or whats called me time.



“Imagine yourself as a full jug of water and everything and everyone else that demands your attention is an empty glass. When you provide what is needed to them you are

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