
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2023/3/12 12:13:00    浏览:586

近年来,劳动教育被纳入必修课,此举引发了热烈讨论。有的同学认为劳动可以促进学生全面发展,有的同学则认为学生忙于功课,劳动占用太多的学习时间。为此,你校校报英语专栏发起征文活动,请你以“Labor Education”为题,简要总结正反两方观点,并提出自己的看法。

1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Labor Education

Currently, labor education has been increasingly attached great importance to, but opinions about it range from person to person.

Some students think labor can promote their allround development, while others think that they are busy with homework and that it is a waste of time if they do labor. So is it essential for students to do it?

In my humble opinion, time spent in laboring will be rewarding. Doing labor can promote students to develop practical skills, strong will, unity and cooperation of good quality. Furthermore, students who always do labor are more willing to take their own responsibilities either at home or at school.

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